Reading Aloud

If a parent or teacher were to ask me right now which one book I could recommend that would rock their world, I know exactly what I would recommend!  It's actually two books that I just cannot keep to myself!  They are both on the subject of read-alouds and are perfect for parents, teachers, or anyone who knows and loves kids!

The Read-Aloud Family, by Sarah Mackenzie

The Read-Aloud Handbook, by Jim Trelease

  The Read-Aloud Family is a very easy read and directed more towards parents.  This is the one I read first, but since she referenced The Read-Aoud Handbook so many times, I knew I had to read that one also!  I devoured both of these books as quickly as I could while soaking up all of the great information and taking pages and pages of notes!  In the back of both books, each author gives a list of recommended read-aloud books.  

Besides all of the great data and research in these books that show how beneficial reading aloud is, I think one of the biggest take-aways for parents and teachers to know, is that children can listen to books well above their reading level.  Children will be able to enjoy and lose themselves in a story when the hard work of decoding, figuring out correct rhythms, cadence and voice are done for them.  They will be able to "hear and understand stories that are more complicated and more interesting than anything they could read on their own.  The last thing you want 1st graders thinking is that what they're reading in 1st grade is as good as books are going to get!" - Jim Trelease

Many parents and teachers may worry that they aren't exposing children to the absolute richest literature out there, but remember this quote from Sarah...

"Even if your child doesn't read the literary giants or encounter the best of the classics, he will remember that you read to him." - Sarah Mackenzie

The quality time you spend with children is the most important thing in the world!

These were just a few jewels of wisdom from these two books, and like I said, I can't recommend these enough!  So do yourself a favor, and grab one, or both, of them!

I'll leave affiliate links here for both if you would like to order them from Amazon.

Have you read either of these?  
I'd love to hear what you thought!